NPTI Guwahati Admission 2019
National Power Training Institute, (Ministry of Power, Govt. of India), North Eastern Region, Guwahati, Dakshingaon Road, Kahilipara, Guwahati – 781019, Assam invites applications from eligible candidates for 26 Weeks’ Post Diploma Course in Operation & Maintenance of Transmission & Distribution Systems (PDC–T&D).
NPTI Guwahati Admission Details
Name of course: 26 Weeks’ Post Diploma Course in Operation & Maintenance of Transmission & Distribution Systems (PDC–T&D)
No of seats: 60 (Sixty only).25% seats are reserved for sponsored category. Reservation for SC, ST, OBC(non- creamy layer)& PH will be as per Govt. norms in the non- sponsored category.
Sponsored Candidates: Companies desire to sponsor its employees are requested to contact directly for further details.
Educational Qualification: Diploma Electrical & Electronics.
Age: No Age Limit. (Preferably between 18-30 years)
Selection Criteria for Admission: As merit list based on percentage of marks obtained in diploma or technical board/equivalent examination as per University Norms.
Course Duration: 26 Weeks
Course Overview: In recent years Indian Power Sector has witnessed sea change in terms of Generation , Transmission and Distribution technologies , capacity enhancement of Transmission and Distribution systems. With Govt of India’s initiative of POWER TO ALL by 2019 , Power Transmission and Distribution sector has received massive investment from Govt .
With the schemes like DDUGJY, APDRP distribution sector is getting healthy. Several new initiatives have been introduced to reduce aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses along with a definitive regulatory framework. Electricity Act 2003, National Electricity Policy 2005 and National Tariff Policy 2006 are important regulations governing the sector today with an aim to bring competition in the sector and improve the services to the end consumers. The government has roped in an massive investment for electrifying approximately 4 crores of the rural households under Saubhagya Scheme. This demands, more inter regional power transmission transactions and capacity enhancement of intra regional power evacuation infrastructure. , India looks to cross 400 GW mark in terms of installed capacity by FY 2022 (175 GW of Renewable) meaning heavy transition from current inter regional transmission capacity of 78 GW. Dedicated green energy corridors and enhancement of transformation capacity of existing sub stations, along with setting up of new sub stations will primarily drive the opportunity galore in the sector in near future. All this has resulted in large need of trained technical manpower. Considering these developments NPTINER introduces 26 weeks Post Diploma Course in T&D system which will train the participants to take care of future needs of T&D sector and prepare them for the present and future jobs. The course has been designed as per relevant CEA guidelines.
How to apply for NPTI Guwahati Admission
Please send application in following format or fill the downloaded format from website along with the Demand Draft of 236/- ( 200+ Service tax @18.00 %) in favour of “National Power Training Institute-NER”.payable at Guwahati on or before 15.7.2019 along with two passport size photographs and applicable self-attested testimonials. (The application fee can be paid directly to our Account no 30869765833,Current A/C, State Bank Of India Kahilipara, Jatia, Guwahati, IFC code-SBIN0004420) Please mention the transaction ID and date in the form.
Important Dates:
Last Date of Receipt of Application: 15/7/2019
Display of Merit List : 22/07/2019
Date of Counselling & Admission: 29-31 July
Commencement of Course Classes: 01/08/2019
Official Notification: Pl check here .
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